Monday, March 27, 2006

Just a lil soap box

Okay, so I have to vent somewhere, might as well be here huh?

So I am a big supporter of breastfeeding and Attachment Parenting. Now I also don't go around pushing my views on others. But it really gets my goat when I hear mothers talking about how inconvienant it is to breastfeed, and how formula is a good alternative so they don't have to be inconvienced. How selfish can a mom be. Now before we go further, there are medical reasons a baby or a mother should not breastfeed. And then it is good that there are formulas for these children, so they don't starve. BUT to be more concerned with your social life, or lack there of, over the benefits your child would recieve by breastfeeding is just WRONG. We were designed to breastfeed our children, the breastmilk was designed as everything a child needs in infancy. It decreases the risk of SIDS, it decreases the risk of obesity, it decreases the risk of diabetes, it increases the IQ points of children, the list goes on and on.

Anyone looking for support or benefits of breastfeeding can contact a local la leche league or visit

Friday, March 24, 2006


So how tired can you be and function normally? I am on a record to try and find out. We moved a month ago, and I haven't slept all night since. One day soon, also I am going to try to transition my ds into his own room. So then I really will lose sleep. So we will find out how much sleep I actually need to function, and how much is just "beauty" sleep.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Everyone Else

So I invite my lil sis and her kiddos for dinner tonight, and now I have a housefull. My uncle is coming, my Daddy is coming, lil sis, and niece, and nephew. Now all I have to do is make sure there is enough food, and no one goes hungry. Maybe I should pick up a dessert!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

So my lil sis had a blog, and I wanted to post on it, but it wouldn't let me without a blog of my own. So that is how this came to be. I might have much more to say now that this is here, not that I was looking to publish any thoughts.