Monday, April 03, 2006

Pills, Pills, Pills

Okay, so I saw a psychologist last Friday. Now he is under the impression I might need a little pill to help me over the grief I have been experiencing. The problem is I do not handle anti-depressants very well. Now I have to admit it has been a dozen years since I had them, and he says they have made quite a few changes in them, but I am a little worried about it all the same. Now he did say I could get over it without them, but that it might make it easier, say for 3 to 6 months. Now these little pills are bad if you want to say, get pregnant. This is what my husband and I would like to try to do in the next month or so. So I sit here, promising to give it some serious thought. My husband didn’t say anything, my mother said I shouldn’t, and my daddy said I should. So they really are no help. I really don’t want any little pills I have to say, but I recently read an article that said that children of parents who are depressed themselves are likely to develop neurosis if the parent does not get help for the depression. So what do I do, does actually starting counseling considered help, or do I need the little pill, for my ds sake?

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