Wednesday, July 18, 2012


when it rains, it pours.  My youngest, had an accident this morning, the first one in years, had to leave work and come home to change him.  Work was almost done, when I had to leave early to change him again.  Found out he was running a fever, one cool bath and all was better.  Then his big brother, got to rough, and flipped him head first off the bed, unto the tile floor.  My hard headed little boy had not even a bump, just gave his mom a good scare.  The house is looking better since the new schedule, and I have managed to cook dinner 3 out of 4 evenings, which is huge.  I also worked out a couple more times, and remembered my vitamins.  I did forget my medicine today, but as they say tomorrow is a new day!

Cuisinart Cordless Immersion Blender

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